Home » 2015

The Single Leg Bridge

glute activation
The single leg bridge is a great exercise for glut activation and cuing in glut activity with hip extension.  Proper form is vital for this exercise.  The pelvis should remain level (as if a ruler was parallel to the floor if laid across the front of the pelvis)...
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Dynamic Hamstring Stretching

  The hamstring and calf musculature is commonly tight.  A good, quick dynamic stretch that hits both the hamstring and calf muscles is the dorsiflexion toe touch.  Simply put the forefoot up on a two-by-four or 2 in. thick book.  Then start with the neck and flex the chin...
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The “Dead” Glute

Low back pain affects virtually everybody at one point through out our life time. Research has suggested that most acute (<3 months) low back pain resolves itself, but returns intermittently with out cause. The root source….the almighty gluteus maximus. The glute is responsible for and foundation for maintaining...
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The InHuman Shoe

  Footwear has been of great discussion and debate for decades always resulting in more confusion. There are journal and magazine articles published by the most respected medical and biomechanical experts of this world, but this appears to only complicate the simple matter of the human shoe.  ...
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